Evelyn’s candy bar is 12 centimetres long. Ella’s candy bar is 3 centimetres shorter than Evelyn’s. Chloe’s candy bar is 2 centimetres longer than Evelyn’s.
How many centimetres long is Ella’s candy bar?
  • 11

  • 12

  • 9

  • 3

The correct answer is 9 centimetres.

Please Note: 

  • Evelyn's candy bar is 12 centimetres long.
  • Ella's candy bar is 2 centimetres shorter than Evelyn's.
  • To get the length of Ella's candy bar, we need to subtract.


Subtract 3 centimetres from 12 centimetres:

12 - 3 = 9

So, Ella's candy bar is 9 centimetres long.